4 Questions to Ask a Storage Unit Painter

Painting is an essential part of upkeep for any commercial building, including storage units. Customers want to see units that look clean, fresh, and well-maintained. If the paint is starting to crack or peel, it can really take away from the appearance of your facility. Reliable commercial painting services can help you with storage unit painting. Before hiring painters, make sure to ask these four questions to ensure you get the quality of service you need.

Are You Insured, Licensed, and Bonded?

Your storage facility is your livelihood, so you want to know that the professionals who will be working on your property can be trusted. Reliable and honest commercial painters should be insured, licensed, and bonded. These are all steps that reputable companies take to make sure their customers are protected from damage or wrongdoing.

Do You Provide References?

Reputable commercial painters will also be willing to provide you with a list of references. This list should include some names and numbers of past customers. You can contact these references to learn more about the company’s business practices, pricing, and other details that might influence your decision. This is a great way to gain unbiased insight into a company’s quality.

What Is Your Pricing Policy?

Budget plays a major role in any painting project, so you want to make sure you’re clear on a company’s pricing policies. Ask detailed questions so that there are no gray areas that leave you guessing. Cost Owl estimates that it costs about $2.50 to $3.50 per square foot to repaint a metal roof. For a full storage unit painting project, you’ll definitely want to keep an eye on your budget to avoid overpaying.

Do You Hire Subcontractors?

When having any type of service done on your commercial property, it’s important to know if subcontractors will be doing the work. Subcontractors are other professionals that your commercial painter might hire to complete the job. You want to ensure that these people have the same qualifications and professionalism as the contractors themselves, so it’s important to ask whether a company uses subcontractors, and if so, if you can speak with them personally before work begins.

If you’re looking for quality storage unit painting services, our commercial painters at Storage Facility Painting Services can help. Contact us today to learn more or request an estimate. We look forward to working with you!